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Join us in prayer for Baptist Union Council 4 June

Baptist Union Council is meeting next week and we invite you to join us in prayer. 

You will see from the agenda we have dedicated this Council meeting to the Financial Model Review (FMR). As reported following the last Council in March:

The Financial Model Review was initiated by Council due to the unsustainability of our current funding model along with continued tensions as to whether the current system is fair.

The FMR discussions are focused on the following areas, several of which are a continuation of Council’s decision in March 2023:
1. Changing money flows so Associations keep Home Mission collected:
a. How would you envisage us supporting financially stressed Associations?
b. To what degree do you think you are likely to increase Home Mission giving?
2. How would you envisage paying for BUGB services?
3. If the by-laws were changed how/would you raise new money and to what extent?
4. If the by-laws were changed, what would we need to include in, for example, a bi-lateral service level agreement between Associations and BUGB?
5. What are your thoughts on the potential hybrid model?
6. How many churches do you envisage closing in 2024 and 2025?
a. How much money might that realise?
b. How do you think we might deploy these funds?
7. What reduction, if any, in attendees and members do you envisage in 2024 and 2025?
a. Any thoughts on numbers?
8. To what degree do you think you can prudently release money (unrestricted funds/restricted funds/reserves more than policy etc.) for other purposes?
Regarding question five, Regional Minister Team Leaders (RMTLs) from five Associations are beginning a conversation regarding the potential feasibility, pros and cons, and risks of joining up in some way.
There is an additional round of Association visits and a meeting with RMTLs in May, before an extra Council Meeting on 4 June focused on completing the FMR.
‘We remain intent on landing this on 4 June,’ said Chris.

Should you wish to discuss the agenda before Council meets please contact your local representative which you can find here.

For those of you who would like to understand the role of Council, our Governance Report outlines the role of Council as follows: 

The key location of strategic leadership and oversight for the Union should be with the Council. This is the body that is representative of the churches through their Associations and colleges, and where the full diversity of the denomination can and should be fully expressed. The leadership and oversight of others will be discerned and held accountable here. As we envisage it, it will be: 

  • the body which exercises spiritual and strategic oversight of the affairs of the Union; 
  • the place where the rich diversity of our membership will be expressed and empowered and leadership exercised; 
  • the forum in which the complex relationships of Union life will be valued and mutual trust be encouraged and enabled; 
  • the meeting at which key decision-makers, such as appropriate association officers, will play a part alongside prophetic voices and spiritual leaders.
Further reflections and decisions from Council will be communicated in the following week.

Lynn Green, General Secretary of Baptists Together
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Consists of members mostly drawn from churches, Associations, colleges to discuss issues facing our Union
SubArticleD2019, governance
Join us in prayer for Baptist Union Council 4 June
An invitation to join us in prayer
BU Council Prayer Points
An invitation to join us in prayer
Posted: 06/12/2018
Posted: 04/04/2018
Posted: 07/10/2016
Posted: 01/01/2002
Posted: 01/01/2002