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February 2020 


David Sheppard800Re: David Sheppard: Batting for the Poor

A remarkable leader, but he too was stuck in the usual story: "His obsessive work pattern took its toll on those close to him, particularly his wife". Thankfully she wasn't defeated by it. When will churches address these dynamics?
BrokenRites (via Twitter)


Bridging the Gap800Re: Bridging the gaps

So much of the NT is addressed to you (plural), OT was about the people of God, and throw in passages like Ephesians 1, & Romans (all of creation waiting..) - makes sense to me.
Steve Summerfield (via Facebook)

I wholeheartedly agree.
Glen Graham (via Facebook)

Great article. I think songs like no outsiders by rend collective can help bridge the gaps
Gavalar JC Ball (via Facebook)


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June, July, August 2024
The creativity of Ocean Church; Beyond Christian Zionism
May 2024
Rwanda; William Carey; Baptist crime novels
April 2024 
Looking back at the ministry of the Baptist Union Retreat Group; the creation story
March 2024  
Passion plays; Home Affairs Select Committee
February 2024  
Living well with God
January 2024 
The death of the celebration style church?; Gaza and speaking up; What might a kingdom business look like?
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