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CouncilGraphic800Re: Baptist Union Council: March 2022 
Whether or not St Hild’s College should be recognised, it seems to me that we need to look seriously at what Baptist Ministerial Training involves. Numbers attending traditional training in traditional colleges may be down, but there is a shift to ‘in-pastorate’ training.

Yet this requires training centres that can easily be accessed for evening classes, or for tutors to attend services. (On-line activities may help, but nothing can replace being there.) Our present colleges are only convenient for those near the M4/M5/M6 corridors. How accessible is such training for students in say, East Anglia or Northumbria?
The Revd Bob Allaway


Wound - Pexels 800Re: Closing the wound within

I’ve found that times of emptiness have ultimately been both transformative and foundational for the future (albeit painful at the time)
Karen Gray (via Facebook)

This is such a beautiful, powerful message, Shaun. Thank you for sharing it, I am sure it will resonate with many.
Belinda (via Twitter)

Just to thank him for his blog. There are times when I do despair as I feel I have lost my way in life when it comes to being of use or help to others. His blog has given me new hope and I will return to meditations and seek for the strength and guidance within from God.
Joan Charters

Histon Baptist Church800Re: 'Celebrating Easter with the energy and excitement it deserves' 
What a truly brilliant and inspirational idea. Beautiful
Helen Humby (via Facebook)


Palm Sunday800Re: ‘Hosanna! Save now!’ A cry for Ukraine, Palm Sunday  
Amen! Amen! Thanks for this revelation.
Thelife Masombo (via Facebook)

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June, July, August 2024
The creativity of Ocean Church; Beyond Christian Zionism
May 2024
Rwanda; William Carey; Baptist crime novels
April 2024 
Looking back at the ministry of the Baptist Union Retreat Group; the creation story
March 2024  
Passion plays; Home Affairs Select Committee
February 2024  
Living well with God
January 2024 
The death of the celebration style church?; Gaza and speaking up; What might a kingdom business look like?
     The Baptist Times 
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