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June 2023


Burma campaign800A plea to support an imprisoned Burmese Baptist pastor by writing to him

More than 22,000 people have been arrested by the Burmese military in the past two years.
The vast majority of them remain in jail. Many have faced torture, rape and sexual violence. All are kept in appalling conditions without access to proper food or medical care.
Reverend Hkalam Samson is one of those political prisoners.
Hkalam Samson is the Chairman of the Kachin National Consultative Assembly and is a prominent and outspoken Christian leader in Burma. He is also a well-respected community leader and the former President of the Kachin Baptist Convention.
Hkalam Samson was arrested at Mandalay International Airport in December 2022 on his way to get medical treatment in Thailand.
He was charged with criminal defamation, unlawful association, and charges under the Counter-Terrorism Law. He is now serving six years in prison.
When political prisoners receive international attention, it can lead to them being treated slightly better in prison. It can also mean they get prioritised for release when the Burmese military occasionally release some political prisoners for public relations purposes.
That is why we are asking you to write to Reverend Samson in prison. We can’t guarantee he will receive the letter or card you send, but some political prisoners have in the past. The governor definitely will, and knowing the world is watching can lead to better treatment.
The address to write to is:
Reverend Hkalam Samson
C/O The Governor of Myitkyina Prison
Myitkyina Prison
Kachin State
Myanmar (Burma)
In many countries now postage can be purchased online.

Letter writing tips:

  • Letters or cards can be as long or as short as you like. Even a short note is better than no letter at all!
  • Tell them a little bit about yourself, your family, what you do.
  • Say something about why you care and are taking the time to write this letter.
  • Be encouraging, let them know that you and others will never give up campaigning for their release.
  • If you have written to political prisoners before and they have been released, write about it. It will give them hope.

Thank you for your support.

Mark Farmaner
Burma Campaign UK 



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