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May 2020


Adrian Semerene800Re: The Missing Generation that’s right in front of us  

As one of very few Millennials in my (very supportive) church, it is so good to read an article from someone of the same generation thank you! As it is a personal reflection I wholeheartedly agree with some points and less so with others but thank you I hope this is widely read!
Rebecca Wills (via Facebook)

There is some truth in this, but it is a big generalisation. Some of the descriptions could well describe me who is a Gen X!
Di Evans (via Facebook)

I guess the young people must speak for themselves rather than presuming what others think they know. Sound, Evidence based ministry please.!
Brian Jones (via Facebook)

Fellow millennial and I recognise all of these! Thanks Adrian for sharing your thoughts
Patch Davies (via Facebook)

This would make an excellent conversation starter for churches. For me, thinking through the five areas is as much about thinking about how we disciple people well as it is about engaging with younger adults.
Graeme Ross (via Facebook)

Only took me nearly a week to read it... but this is so good Adrian. As a fellow millennial pastor, it’s refreshing to see something written by a millennial, about us! I wasn’t getting frustrated whilst reading it, so that’s a good review right?
Tim Haines (via Facebook)


Macbook800Re: Click and switch

An interesting article. And I understand the concerns especially about finance & others doing things supposedly better. I miss our actual church services & contact with the fellowship. Watching our services each Sunday and interacting as much as we can is not the same.
Tricia (via Twitter) 


Blog800Re: Celebrating VV Day (Victory over the Virus)

We need some social change and justice in the tax system for a start, and a green revolution.
Daniel Edwards (via Facebook)


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