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October 2022 


Benefits800Re: 'We cannot stay quiet when vital support to the communities we are part of is threatened'

Is the Baptist Union a political group now? Can we focus on the Gospel and not worldly matters that divide us?
Will Hall (via Facebook)

Scripture is very political "For I know how many are your offenses and how great your sins. There are those who oppress the innocent and take bribes deprive the poor of justice in the courts."
Richard Gutteridge(via Facebook)


Big Ben800Re: Have Baptist churches become too dependent upon the state?  

Or has the state become too dependent on Baptist churches? The NFP activities (or subsidised/paid for by the church members/congregation) benefit the local, national and global communities to a significant extent. eg for the church my husband pastors I would include pre-school, youth activities, foodbank, language classes, immigration/asylum support. I could go on ...
Maths Teacher (rtd) (via Twitter)

As far as Gift Aid is concerned, the way it works here in France sits much better with Baptist principles. Tax relief on gifts is claimed by the donor. Still encourages maximum giving, but doesn't involve a big entry in the church's accounts saying (effectively) "State Subsidy."
Tony Jones (via Twitter)

Thanks.  That sounds a better, clearer approach.
Ivan King (via Twitter)

My attitude to external funding (in this case Gift Aid) is that I am happy for the church to receive money in recognition of what we committed to doing.
However, I am not happy for us to change the way in which we operate in order to receive funding, unless the things that are being required are manifestly good. I perceive that the good governance required by the charity commission are manifestly good.
Nic Boyns



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