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Re: A day in the life of an army chaplain... in South Sudan
I worked with Joseph Bilal when we were both Chaplains at HMP Bristol, Joseph (originally from S Sudan) has now returned there. This blog gives a great insight into what life is really like there now. Amazingly in the midst of this chaos, Joseph is working to set up a christian university as well as now working with other church leaders to try and bring peace between the warring factions.
Andrew Kellett

Re: Finding again the fire of the Holy Spirit
Spurgeon was right: we need to be filled up! I do believe, however, you are mistaken to say that 'He knew that we receive the Holy Spirit at our conversion'. I do not think it is automatic; read Acts 8: 14-16. Many are baptised but do not receive the Spirit as is obvious by their behaviour and fruit. Or else we do but don't continue in obedience, i.e. go out and fulfil the great commission, so stagnate, thus falling into disobedience: 'Why do you call me Lord and not do as I say?'
Anthony Paul Hodgson

Re: Beacons of Hope
thanks for this encouragement, I too, have been praying like mad, to see God's kingdom come, in a way that is being led by the spirit ..... i have written some blogs on revival too on faithstyleblog.com
Claire Jackson

Re: Taken on Trust by Terry Waite
I agree: Terry Waite’s ordeal is a compelling account, which I read avidly about a decade ago. But after the final page it did leave me wondering, where was the depth of word, the spiritual lessons learned or the pearls of wisdom gleaned? For these insights seemed almost entirely missing…
So, in hoping that one day this most revered envoy might, with years of reflection, be able to add the ‘missing chapter of substance’ of Taken on Trust, it seems that this 25th edition might not be it.
Perhaps, given that Mr Waite has turned/returned to creedless
Quakerism (presumably with an emphasis on humanistic good works rather than grace and salvation) this really is all the depth that can realistically be fathomed.
Andy Burns


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