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LettersWe want to hear from you!

As Baptists Together we'd love you to share what's on your mind and what you are hearing from God about topical issues in the news and other matters of general interest. Click here to send your letters to us.  Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

Also, please feel free to have your say on our stories and opinion pieces. Comments, including from our social media posts, will be compiled below.

Follow the links below for our latest correspondence:
Ocean church800
June, July, August 2024
The creativity of Ocean Church; Beyond Christian Zionism More ...
May 2024
Rwanda; William Carey; Baptist crime novels More ...
0Last BURG (3) 800
April 2024 
Looking back at the ministry of the Baptist Union Retreat Group; the creation story More ...
Passion Play - Birmingham800
March 2024  
Passion plays; Home Affairs Select Committee More ...
February 2024  
Living well with God More ...
January 2024 
The death of the celebration style church?; Gaza and speaking up; What might a kingdom business look like? More ...
December 2023 
Not lighting the fourth Advent candle More ...
November 2023 
Restaurant ecclesiology; benefits of digital connections with churches More ...
October 2023 
Reactions to Good News stories; reaction to the war in Gaza More ...
September 2023 
Mission and young people; new children's groups; a reprint of On this Rock More ...
August 2023 
Windows on Worldviews; 'It was very hard - but we felt God was at work' More ...
July 2023  
What would it mean to 'embrace our smallness'?; Championing the cause of older people More ...
June 2023  
Support an imprisoned Burmese Baptist pastor by writing to him More ...
May 2023 
12 steps; church planting; God is at work More ...
April 2023  
Petitions to Downing Street; structural changes in the Baptist Union More ...
March 2023 
Responding to the Government's Illegal Migration bill More ...
November 2022 
Evangelism; Albania More ...
October 2022 
State matters More ...
September 2022 
Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022) More ...
August 2022 
Fresh Streams leadership statement following summer theology school More ...
July 2022
Response to Pension Scheme news; Following the Zeitgeist; A Theology of Unity in Diversity More ...
June 2022 
Annual review; walking club; Rwanda More ...
May 2022 
The Queen; does Jesus heal today?; Child Q More ...
April 2022
Closing the wound within; celebrating Easter; a Palm Sunday reflection More ...
March 2022 
Wellbeing; a letter to Patriarch Kirill; new appointments in regional teams More ...
February 2022 
Leviticus; remembering Carol McCarthy and Rosemary Kidd More ...
January 2022 
Reaching a neglected demographic; a Baptist minister recognised for ‘exceptional community leadership’ during the pandemic More ...
December 2021 
Desmond Tutu; Christmas jumpers More ...
November 2021 
Approaching death with faith; Theology through the lens of the marginalised More ...
October 2021 
Hybrid church; assisted dying; church transformations More ...
September 2021 
Kim Kardashian, selfies and the cult of physical perfection More ...
July 2021 
Joel Edwards More ...
June 2021 
Critiquing Critical Race Theory; Calling all worship leaders; sharing faith creatively More ...
May 2021 
What is God’s perfect dream where you live? More ...
April 2021 
Thoughts on the future of Home Mission More ...
March 2021 
Reflecting on the life of Captain Tom More ...
February 2021 
Nuclear disarmament; appearing on The Chase More ...
January 2021 
A time of opportunity, a time of reflection; Donald Trump More ...
October 2020
Black Lives, Truth Matters; Covid conspiracy; mental health More ...
September 2020 
Rule of Six; remembering the Revd Pat Ingle More ...
August 2020  
Black lives and dangerous ideologies, congregational singing at this time More ...
July 2020
A revival I can pray for!; Caring for your pastors through COVID19 More ...
June 2020
Racism and George Floyd; Tour of the Bible More ...
May 2020
The Missing Generation; Click and switch your church More ...
April 2020 
Melting pot of honesty, Holy Saturday More ...
March 2020
A conversation with former Baptist Union President Kate Coleman and General Secretary Lynn Green; serving God on the streets with hot chocolate More ...
February 2020 
David Sheppard, bridging the gaps More ...
January 2020 
We want different things; the church's hidden divisions; tributes to Douglas Sparkes More ...
November 2019 
Business and the Kingdom, Have we lost our dissenting roots More ...
October 2019 
Have we lost our dissenting roots? Plus 'You're never too old, there's more to come' More ...
September 2019  
The Parable of the French Teacher More ...
August 2019
Deconstruction; bad things in God’s word More ...
July 2019
Chris Evans, Cinnamon award More ...
In praise of toddler groups, what churches can do about knife crime, church membership services with a difference More ...
May 2019
The silent epidemic of loneliness More ...
Maundy Thursday, a BMS missionary in China More ...
Navigating Mother's Day More ...
Christians and the pursuit of perfection More ...
Parable of touch wood and the Druids, Politics and the Way of Jesus More ...
The Parable of Maradona More ...
October 2018
Walking with Samantha; the church stepping into the breach More ...
September 2018
Modern hymns; lessons from church growth; uniformed groups and social integration More ...
August 2018
Boris and the burka; joy in evangelism More ...
July 2018
Learning to like the Apostle Paul More ...
June 2018 
How to respond when someone uses offensive language? More ...
May 2018
More than a preacher - women in ministry More ...
April 2018 
Presidency, Martin Luther King, understanding the meaning of the cross More ...
March 2018
A manifesto to counter institutional sexism More ...
February 2018
Baptist pioneer Edith Gates, Billy Graham More ...
January 2018 
Opportunities for Christians; wellbeing cafes, multicultural preaching More ...
November 2017
Reformation, Inter Faith Week, would Jesus drive a diesel? More ...
October 2017
The Reformation and the Declaration of Principle More ...
September 2017
Diary of a Baptist minister, The Turning, sports chaplaincy, free discipleship videos More ...
August 2017
Migrancy in the UK, and more on evangelism and storytelling More ...
July 2017
Creative storytelling evangelism; Christians in the Middle East More ...
June 2017
Christians in schools, Tim Farron More ...
May 2017
Chaplains and Terry Waite More ...
April 2017
Small churches, our spiritual lives and boats, persecution More ...
March 2017
Smaller churches in partnership with larger ones, leaving out gruesome bits of the Old Testament More ...
February 2017
The confessing church, Baptists and leadership More ...
January 2017
Baptists and leadership More ...
November 2016
US election, same sex attraction, adoption More ...
October 2016
Aberfan, dementia, mental ill health More ...
September 2016
Location, location, location More ...
August 2016
Sewing in Calais, living with faith and doubt More ...
May 2016
More on human sexuality, Israel, and laughing More ...
April 2016
Human sexuality and identity, Baptist churches and bus stops, sowing seeds More ...
March 2016
Lots of tributes to Roger Hayden; lots of comments about Brexit More ...
February 2016
Gender balance, walking on Holy ground, investing in child refugees’ education More ...
January 2016
Sermons and suffragettes More ...
December 2015
Bombing Syria, another way of responding to Isis, Jesus as an asylum seeker and more More ...
November 2015
Help with youth needed in Stalybridge, in pursuit of happiness and more More ...
October 2015
More pigeons, bogus refugees More ...
September 2015
Refugees... (and fantastic Facebook signs) More ...
August 2015
Calais, Hammond's stigmatisation, Ashley Madison and reasons to go to church More ...
July 2015
More reaction to the beacons of prayer call, plus the Papal encyclical More ...
June  2015
Much reaction to Lynn Green's call to prayer, plus Fathers' Day, true worship and Leviticus, and mindfulness More ...
May 2015
A promise, migrants, Council and salaries/stipends More ...
April  2015
The absence of young people in our churches, when area's become used to living without a church, and gender balance More ...
March 2015
Home Mission, preaching, benefit sanctions - and blessings at Mount Carmel More ...
February 2015
Some thoughts on church numbers had many thinking. There was also correspondence on God's justice, Libby Lane and Paul Hills More ...
January 2015
Much on gender balance, plus letters to the Muslim and Jewish communities, thanks following a church closure, and unsung heroes of faith More ...
December 2014
More climate change, Paul and poverty, Northern Baptist College More ...
November 2014
Baptist Union Council, climate change More ...
October 2014
Social justice, First World War, Theresa May More ...
September 2014
The Scottish referendum, Viz-A-Viz closure, stopping gambling More ...
August 2014
The missing prayer, giving like children, No More Page 3 More ...
July 2014
Gaza, assisted dying, women bishops, gym and night club ministries More ...
June 2014
Bus evangelism, homeless spikes, interactive Bible stories More ...
May 2014
Where the sacred and scary meet, the Baptist Assembly More ...
April 2014
In defence of Rev - and reverse missionaries More ...
March 2014
Mothers' Day, withdrawing from church and rubbing out the battles More ...
February 2014
Lots of reaction to Ernie Whalley's blog about the church meeting, plus floods More ...
January 2014
Do we 'do' church - or 'be' church? Plus non-violent protest - what's happened to it? Redundancy, the Girls' Brigade and more More ...
Letters 2013
Letters 2013 More ...
Bapticostal Congregations:
Baptist identity in the 21st century More ...
Balanced worship?
“As worship leaders, how do you balance between allowing the spirit to lead, while maintaining a structure during a service?” More ...
Top tips on working together
How can we work better together? Five top tips for smaller churches, and five for larger churches More ...
Multicultural churches: A gospel imperative
Do we want to build multicultural churches because it is a politically correct thing to do? More ...
Branding, ambition and reality
What does it really mean to be Baptists Together? More ...
We need to talk... about hell
Responses to Anna Hancock's challenge More ...
General responses and feedback
A collection of feedback and responses More ...
Whatever happened to the children's talk?
A retired minister's observations on the children's talk, dress code, prayer and music More ...
Money - and how we use it
Why do we allow some of our least resourced churches to struggle in deprived areas, asked Michael Shaw? More ...
The Daily Mail and Following Jesus
Reaction to Andy Goodliff's piece about The Daily Mail. Should reading it be a church membership issue? More ...
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June, July, August 2024
The creativity of Ocean Church; Beyond Christian Zionism
May 2024
Rwanda; William Carey; Baptist crime novels
April 2024 
Looking back at the ministry of the Baptist Union Retreat Group; the creation story
March 2024  
Passion plays; Home Affairs Select Committee
February 2024  
Living well with God
January 2024 
The death of the celebration style church?; Gaza and speaking up; What might a kingdom business look like?
     The Baptist Times 
    Posted: 15/08/2024
    Posted: 31/05/2024
    Posted: 30/04/2024
    Posted: 31/03/2024
    Posted: 29/02/2024
    Posted: 31/01/2024
    Posted: 31/12/2023
    Posted: 30/11/2023
    Posted: 31/10/2023
    Posted: 30/09/2023
    Posted: 31/08/2023
    Posted: 31/07/2023
    Posted: 09/06/2023
    Posted: 31/05/2023
    Posted: 19/04/2023
    Posted: 30/03/2023
    Posted: 10/11/2022
    Posted: 10/10/2022
    Posted: 16/09/2022
    Posted: 15/08/2022
    Posted: 07/07/2022
    Posted: 15/06/2022
    Posted: 31/05/2022
    Posted: 26/04/2022
    Posted: 25/03/2022
    Posted: 01/03/2022
    Posted: 31/01/2022
    Posted: 31/12/2021
    Posted: 16/12/2021
    Posted: 31/10/2021
    Posted: 30/09/2021
    Posted: 07/07/2021
    Posted: 28/06/2021
    Posted: 19/05/2021
    Posted: 14/04/2021
    Posted: 31/03/2021
    Posted: 03/02/2021
    Posted: 22/01/2021
    Posted: 21/10/2020
    Posted: 23/09/2020
    Posted: 28/08/2020
    Posted: 04/07/2020
    Posted: 04/06/2020
    Posted: 13/05/2020
    Posted: 24/04/2020
    Posted: 09/03/2020
    Posted: 14/02/2020
    Posted: 13/01/2020
    Posted: 21/11/2019
    Posted: 17/10/2019